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Be a Cognision EEG "Referral Hub" and receive referrals from local doctors!

One of the best ways to market your new Cognision EEG evaluation business is with MaDPI's  Digital Marketing program. MaDPI will also provide Cognision EEG clients professionally designed and personalized marketing material to mail, email or efax to local school districts, attorneys and doctors so they can refer athletes and patients needing head injury evaluation. That said, the trauma does not have to be directly to the head to cause a concussion.

If they refer for EEG they will likely soon refer for other services you provide as well.

The MaDPI Digital Marketing team of experts will also create, at no additional charge, a professionally designed website Landing Page complete with a link to your website, bio and reasons for EEG referral.

This personalized Landing Page will be an easy way for local doctors and attorneys as well as the general public to learn more about your practice including Cognision EEG. They can quickly and easily contact you, download pre-visit paperwork and immediately schedule an appointment for testing.

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